Cheap and tasty hawker food is just a normal daily affair in Penang. Here's a little taste of it as I eat & blog . A simple Hawker Food Menu is on the left column. I hope you enjoy your visit!
Hello,Nice post. Actually I am looking for an article for my blog about "Food in Penang". I would like if you can give some tips.My blog address is by the name of Asia Traveler's Blog ( you
Hello, well I just blog as I eat! What sort of tips would you like? You can email me if you need more info. Thanks!
what's your email add? wanna ask u about eating in the mainland~ ")
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Nice post. Actually I am looking for an article for my blog about "Food in Penang". I would like if you can give some tips.
My blog address is by the name of Asia Traveler's Blog (
Thank you
Hello, well I just blog as I eat! What sort of tips would you like? You can email me if you need more info. Thanks!
what's your email add? wanna ask u about eating in the mainland~ ")
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